2015 Batch Referred Interns blogspot postings from 16.11.2020 to 15.11.2021
KAMINENI INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Sreepuram, Narketpally, Nalgonda (Dist.) - 508 254 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MEDICINE INTERNS ATTENDANCE This is an attendance as well as a blended, bimonthly formative and summative assessment of the learning competencies of 2015 batch interns posted in the department of Medicine from 16.11.2020 to 15.11.2021. The formative assessment has been divided into non-verbal which assesses their competency in procedural domains including empathic communication and body language and verbal which assesses their ability to communicate their work through their day to day E logs. POSTINGS FROM - 16.11.2020 TO 15.11.2021 R. No. Name Formative Assessment Posting Days Attend Days CL’s Absent 1 Ramavath Sai Kiran Formative Assessment from Subjective Non Verbal offline presentation: Objective Verbal online portfolio